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Syllabus of

Modern Computer Application

Class – XI

বিভাগ প্রশ্নের ধরনমোট প্রশ্নপ্রশ্নের মানমোট নম্বর
Multiple Choice Question21121
 Short Answer Question14114
Descriptive Question5735
   Grand Total100
Evolution of Computer & computer organization s  17 Marks (MCQ-2 Marks, SA-1 Mark & Descriptive – 7×2=14 Marks)  
Data Representation(Number System)  10 Marks (MCQ-2 Marks, SA-1 Mark & Descriptive – 7 Marks)  
Boolean Algebra  13 Marks (MCQ-2 Marks, SA-4 Marks & Descriptive – 7 Marks)  
Software and Languages  10 Marks (MCQ-2 Marks, SA-1 Marks & Descriptive – 7 Marks)  
Programming using Visual Basic10 Marks (MCQ-6 Marks, SA-4 Marks)
Word Processing using MS Word5  Marks (MCQ-4 Marks, SA-1 Mark)
Making Presentation using MS PowerPoint5  Marks (MCQ-5 Marks, SA-3 Mark)
Total Marks70
One Program on Visual Basic10 Marks
Use of MS Word 5  Marks
Use of PowerPoint5  Marks
Laboratory Copy(Minimum 10 Program)  5 Marks
Viva-voce  5 Marks
Total Marks30

Syllabus of Modern Computer Application Class XI

Chapter -1 (Evolution of Computer & computer organization)

Evolution of Computer & computer organization1Mx2Q=31×1=17×2=1417

Evolution of Computer:

  • Abacus, Napier’s Bone, Pascaline, The Babbage Machine
  • Stored Program Concept, Von Neumann Concept/Architecture.

Computer Hardware Generation

  • First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Generation of Computer.
  • Components, Advantage, Disadvantage.

Concept of Circuit Integration


Classification of Computers

  • Analog, Digital, Hybrid Computers
  • Mainframe and Supercomputer.
  • Mini, Micro, Laptop Computer

Computers in Modern Society.

  • Concept of Data and Information, Data Processing.

Brief  Description of Each Functional Block of a Computer.

  • Block Diagram of a Computer System.
  • Input Device(Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Touch Screen, OMR, OCR, MICR, Graphic Tablet, Barcode Reader, Light Pen, Microphone, Joystick).
  • Output Device(Monitor-CRT,LCD,
  • Printer- Impact Printer(Dot Matrix Printer) Non Impact Printer(Inkjet Printer, Laser Printer)
  • Plotter
  • Central Processing Unit-CU, ALU
  • Storage Devices
  •                 Primary Memory: RAM(DRAM, SRAM) ROM(PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, UVPROM)
    • Secondary Memory : Magnetic Media(HDD,FDD), Optical Media(CD, DVD, Blue-Ray Disk)
    • Cache  Memory
    • Flash Memory

Communication Bus

  • System Bus- Address Bus, Data Bus, Control Bus, Power Bus

 Chapter -2 (Data Representation)

Data Representation1mx2q=21×1=17×1=710

Number System

  • Concept of Non-Positional Number System

      Roman Number

      Concept of Positional Number System

      Decimal, Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal Number system.

  • Conversion

     Inter-conversion between Decimal, Binary, Octal & Hexadecimal Number system.

     Multiplication, Division- Binary Number System Only.

  • Different methods of Negative Number.
  • Representation

     Signed Magnitude

     One’s Complement

     Two’s Complement

     Subtraction using complements (1’s & 2’s complement)

Various Binary Coding Schemes

  • BCD

Concept of Fixed and Floating Point Numbers

  • Difference between fixed and floating point numbers.

Bit map representation of image

Concept of  Multimedia

Chapter -3 (Boolean Algebra)

Boolean Algebra1mx2q=21×4=47×1=713
  • Definition and postulates
  • Boolean operations – OR, AND, NOT
  • Proof using identities and truth table
  • De’ Morgan’s Theorems and Basic Principle of Duality
  • Driving truth table from Boolean Expression and vice versa.
  • SOP & POS Expressions (Minterm and Maxterm Expression)
  • Canonical form of Boolean Expressions and their Components
  • Simplification

Chapter – 4 (Software and Languages)

Software And Languages1mx2q=21×1=17×1=710
  • Definition of Software.
  • Programming Language: Concept of High Level, Low Level and Assembly Language.
  • Types of Software.
  • System Software
  • Translator – Compiler, Interpreter, Assembler.
  • Operating System:
  • Definition and Function
  • Types of OS- Single User, Multi-User, Multiprogramming, Multiprocessing, Time Sharing
  • Booting (Cold and Warm), Spooling, Buffering, concept of Virtual Memory.
  • Directory and File Structure, Path, and Pathname.
  • Concept of GUI, CUI with examples.
  • Using MS-DOS (Commands and their use – DIR, MD, RD, CD, COPY, COPY CON, MOVE, REN, DEL, 
  • Using MS Windows OS
  • Application Software (Definition and example)
  • Utility Software (Definition and example)

Chapter – 5 (Programming using Visual Basic)

Programming using Visual Basic1mx6q=61mx4q=410
  • Introduction to Visual Basic( Version 6 or compatible)
  • Getting Familiar with VB user interface.

                        Standard exe, pull-down menus, toolbar, toolbox, project explorer, properties window, form layout window, form immediate window,  opening and closing windows, resizing and moving windows, quitting VB.

  • VB Tool Box

          Standard window controls, label, textbox, command-button, frame, check-box, option-button, list-box, combo-box, Picture box, time control, shapes Basic Properties of controls.

  • Programming Fundamentals

Data types in VB(Integer, long, single, double, currency, string)

Variable and Constants

Input / Output Operations

Control Statements

Branching : if-then-else & Switch

Looping : for-next, while & do-while

  • Simple problem solving

Chapter – 6 (Word Processing Using MS Word – 2007)

Word Processing Using MS Word – 20071mx4q=41mx1q=15
  • Introduction to Word Processing
  • Creating, Opening, Editing and Saving a document
  • Copy, Cut, Paste operation
  • Page Setup, Headers and Footers.
  • Formatting texts, paragraph, Page Borders.
  • Inserting – Clip-Art, Word-Art, Auto-Shapes, Picture, Symbol, Equation
  • Table Insertion
  • Mail Marge
  • Macros
  • Spelling and Grammar check
  • Printer setup and document printing.

Chapter – 7 (Making Presentation Using MS PowerPoint – 2007)

Making Presentation Using MS PowerPoint20071mx3q=31mx2q=25
  • Introduction of PowerPoint
  • Creating, Opening, Editing and Saving a PowerPoint presentation
  • Use of Wizard
  • Different styles and Background
  • Formatting Texts
  • Inserting – Clip-Art, Word-Art, Auto Shapes, Picture
  • Appling Slide-transition, applying animation to text and objects
  • Inserting sound and video-clips
  • Slide Show
  • Printing of slides

Syllabus of Modern Computer Application Class XI

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